Wildlife-Friendly Landscaping Beginner's Guide

January 8, 2025

Wondering how to make your garden more wild-friendly? Then you’ve come to the right place!

Whatever style your landscape is, from minimalist landscapes to cottage gardens, there are various ways to support your local biodiversity and make your garden more eco-friendly.

So if you’re looking to do your part for the environment or just love seeing wildlife in your garden, don’t skip any part of this article.

1. What Makes Gardens Wildlife-Friendly?

First things first, note that one wildlife-friendly garden can differ vastly in appearance from another wildlife-friendly garden. Wildlife-friendly garden landscaping isn’t a gardening or landscaping style or aesthetic. It’s the process of steps and practices that make your garden more wildlife-friendly.

As such, it’s not about what a garden looks like, but what it can do for wildlife. So any landscaping style can be wildlife-friendly regardless of what they look like, they just need to support wildlife.

Generally, there are 3 keys to a wildlife-friendly garden, and anything that works towards or directly achieves any one of those keys will make your garden more wildlife-friendly.

Key 1: Plants That Support Wildlife

A butterfly at a pink flower taking pollen from it

Plants will likely make up the majority of your garden, so having wildlife-friendly plants goes a long way toward supporting your local biodiversity.

There are two keys to wildlife-friendly plants.

  1. Native plants: Native plants help support the local wildlife. Since they’re native plants, the local wildlife will over the years become used to them, adapting to use them for food and habitat.

    Vice versa, native plants will also adapt to attract and support these wildlife, as they need these insects and animals for seed dispersal. As such, while not all native plants will support local wildlife, native plants will in many cases be better than non-native ones for the local wildlife.

    Plus, if a local species wasn’t adapted to the native plants in that region, they likely wouldn’t stay around or be able to survive there. The same goes for the plants themselves, so generally, native plants and local species are crucial for each others’ survival.
  2. Food sources: The most obvious way to support wildlife is to feed them. Plants can produce fruits, seeds, and nuts to feed animals and insects, though you will have to do the research to see which ones feed which local species.

    Plants that act as food sources can be either native or non-native. As long as they’re feeding the animals and insects, they’re supporting the local biodiversity.

    However, again, local wildlife will be more adapted to native plants and more readily go to them. For example, although a non-native plant may also provide pollen for the local butterflies, the local butterflies, having adapted to the nutritional needs of the native flowers’ pollens, may not even be able to get the nutrients they need from the non-native flower.

    Native plants also have benefits like lower maintenance and water conservation, so it’s always best to use native plants where you can.

So those are the two main types of plants you need to have in your garden to support the local insects and animals. Any sort of garden will be a habitat for ground-dwelling species like beetles and even small mammals, so having a garden itself is already supporting biodiversity, but incorporating the above mentioned plants will make your garden even more effective.

Now for the next key.

Key 2: Natural Features/Features That Support Wildlife

A birdhouse in a homeowner's garden with a blue and yellow bird perched on it

Your plants are going to be the most instrumental in supporting local biodiversity, but the various other features of your garden can be immensely helpful too.

Similar to your plants, there are two main functions that the other features of your garden will serve when it comes to supporting local animals and insects.

  1. Shelters/Habitats: Besides just your garden, there are actually various features like birdhouses that act as habitats and shelter for wildlife. And the good news is, they can be adapted to suit different landscaping styles, so you’ll almost always be able to find one suitable for your landscape.
  2. Food/Water sources: Water features will automatically be water sources for animals and insects, but besides them, there are quite a few other features for providing wildlife with food and/or water. Some examples are bird feeders, butterfly feeders, and even seed trays on the ground.

These features fill up the gaps that your plants can’t, such as providing water sources and habitats for creatures that your plants can’t. Using them along with your plants will maximize the amount of support you can provide to the local wildlife and allow you to reach a wider range of animals and insects.

Key 3: Minimize Chemicals

The final key is to minimize the use of chemicals. Even with all the right elements, chemicals can hinder your efforts. While pesticides can kill pests, they also harm and kill other insects like butterflies and bees.

Birds who consume plants treated with pesticides or herbicides can also die, as certain pesticides and herbicides are highly toxic to birds. In fact, they can even die from consuming insects that have come into contact with these plants.

Even synthetic fertilizer can be toxic to birds, so in general, the use of chemicals of any sort will be harmful to at least some wildlife.

So for a wildlife-friendly garden, besides incorporating elements to feed and house or shelter your region’s insects and animals, it’s also important to keep the use of chemicals to a minimum, or you’d basically be undoing the good effects of your features with your chemicals.

Now, let’s explore in detail how to implement each of the three keys.

2. Incorporating Plants That Support Wildlife

When incorporating these plants, here are some things to keep in mind.

Do Your Research

Remember that you can’t just choose random native plants or native plants that look nice and expect them to feed or act as habitats for the insects and animals in your area. Instead, do your research.

Find out specifically which species you’re looking to attract and their needs, and then shortlist the plants that attract them. From here, you can choose from this pool of plants the ones that best fit your landscaping style.

Ensure Year-Round Support

Don’t forget to plan for different seasons so that you can continue to feed and provide shelter for your local creatures all year round.

Incorporate Variety

Firstly, for your plants that function as habitats, you want a variety of heights, from your groundcovers to the trees so that you can support a variety of wildlife.

Next, this ties in with the previous point. You should be supporting a variety of wildlife with a wide range of plants rather than supporting more of the same wildlife with the same few plants. This is so that when one plant is plagued by disease or pests, it’s less likely to spread to the whole garden.

Since pests and pathogens usually target a specific plant, by having a variety, you have a much lower risk of widespread disease as compared to a garden with only a few plant species.

3. Which Other Features Support Wildlife?

So that’s it for the plants. Now for the other features.

Water Features

Water is a basic survival need, so this is a guaranteed way to attract and feed the creatures around you.

As mentioned earlier, any
water feature will function as a water source. But if you have limited space or budget or just don’t want a larger water feature due to your landscaping style, consider birdbaths, which are smaller and more affordable.

Just make sure that for your water features besides your birdbath, there is movement in the water of some kind to prevent mosquitoes from breeding. If you have a fountain, then that’s already taken care of, but if it’s a pond or something similar, aerators are a good choice to both oxygenate the water and deter mosquitoes.

Shelter/Nesting Sites

For birds, you should install birdhouses. Certain species of birds have strict requirements for their habitats or nests which can be hard to find, and providing that will be a great aid to them.

For bats, you should be installing bat boxes.

For insects, it’ll be insect hotels.

For all of these, don’t forget to look up the specific needs of the species you’re trying to attract and tailor the habitat accordingly. This includes the height, the size of the openings, the materials, and so on.

Food Sources

Bird feeders in winter with plenty of birds flocking to them

To provide food to the respective species, you can’t just place it inside their habitats as it can attract pests and even predators.

Instead, you need separate feeding stations or to provide food in the form of plants.

For birds, you’ll need specialized bird feeders. There are many different types that feed different things, so do your research to find the best one for your target bird species.

For bats, they’ll eat insects or fruits from plants, so the best you can do is to grow fruits suitable for their diets or that support insect life.

For insects, there are bee feeders, butterfly feeders, and nectar feeders.

4. Reducing Chemical Use

Chemicals are the easiest and most straightforward, which is why so many people turn to them, but there are actually quite a few methods to cut down on the use of chemicals.


First off, using native plants will already help, as they will have adapted to local pests and thus require less measures on your end to deal with pests.

Next, if you still have to deal with pests, there are actually many alternatives to pesticides, such as traps and barriers. It just takes some research to find the right one for the pests you’re dealing with.

Creating habitats and providing food and water for pest predators will also aid greatly in bringing them to your garden to help you with pest control. Some examples of pest predators are birds, bats, praying mantises, and ladybugs.

And if it’s a really serious problem and all else fails, opt for natural pesticides that are less toxic to other species that aren’t the target


For weeds, there are actually various commonly known alternatives to herbicide.

For weed suppression, you can employ mulching, dense planting, and even covering the soil with stuff like cardboard and newspapers to block out sunlight and stop the weeds from growing.

And for weeds that need to be removed, use your hands or tools to remove them instead of herbicides.

If you really must use herbicides, then use organic solutions like vinegar solutions.


There you have it, the 3 keys to a wildlife-friendly garden as well as various ways to put them into action.

Before we end off, just one last tip. When you put out habitats or food for your local wildlife, they need to be carefully monitored. You don’t want to end up making them too overdependent on it such that they start to lose their natural ability to forage or hunt for food, which can actually end up being detrimental.

The key is to not provide too much food such that they end up still having to go out and find food themselves. You will need to monitor their behavior and adjust the food amounts accordingly.

If you find that your target species just hangs out at your feeder most of the time without leaving it or becomes territorial about the feeder and aggressively chases away other creatures that come to it, it’s time to reduce the amount of food or even stop completely.

With that, it’s time for you to do your part for the environment and help support the local animals and insects. Adios!

Elderly woman picking flowers from her senior-friendly garden
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While normal landscapes may not seem particularly hard to navigate, many seniors have limited mobility which can make even slightly steep slopes hard and even dangerous to climb. To allow the seniors at home to enjoy the outdoor space, it’s crucial to make your landscape safe and accessible. While some may think it’s just a matter of keeping the path even and flat, there’s actually a lot more to it than you might think. If you’re ready to turn your landscape into the ultimate senior-friendly landscape, then jump right in! Understanding The Needs Of The Elderly Besides merely mobility, the elderly have other needs that need to be met. Knowing what they are is the first step to landscaping a garden that meets their needs. First off, as we grow older, our bodies will start to deteriorate–if we let them. In order to slow down this deterioration, keeping active both physically and mentally is key. And gardens achieve both of that. Other than walking through the garden to get their heart rate up a little, tending to it also keeps seniors active mentally and physically. Tasks like pruning, watering, and planting all help keep their fine motor skills sharp while giving them more physical activity. Second, as seniors get older, it’s easy to feel lonely, especially if they’re living alone, as they don’t go to work, and if they don’t meet their friends either, with no family at home most of the time, they have little social interaction every day. Having an outdoor space where they can invite their friends over or host gatherings can be hugely beneficial to their mental health. Now that you know the problems the elderly may face, here are ways to address them with your landscape. 1. Paths
Rooftop garden using potted plants to minimize weight
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Tropical landscape created by Boise Landscaping Company
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Japanese garden with a bridge and stone lanterns
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Mediterranean landscape with a fountain as the centerpiece
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Mediterranean landscapes are one of the most functional landscapes, and they give off the vibe that the landscape is more of a functional space than an aesthetic one. The designs are usually simple and muted and made to require little maintenance, courtesy of the dry weather Mediterranean weather. Mediterranean gardens have a soft, timeless appeal to them though, which is why they’re so popular among homeowners. If you’re one of them, dive right in to find out exactly how to create the perfect Mediterranean landscape! 1. Pros And Cons As with any landscape, there’s both good and bad with Mediterranean gardens. This section will help you make an informed decision as to whether or not to have a Mediterranean-style outdoor space. Pros For the pros, we’ll be starting with the obvious ones. Functionality: As mentioned above, Mediterranean landscapes have functionality in mind. They’re designed to have an abundance of space for use and have plants take up less space. As such, your outdoor area is going to be much more practical. You’ll be able to conduct more activities and have much more use for your space rather than just a space that looks great. Low maintenance: Mediterranean gardens are inspired by the Mediterranean region, which means dry weather. As such, for plants to survive in that kind of climate, they need to be tough, drought-tolerant, and require little water to survive. This means you not only save on the water bills, but also have to perform less maintenance. Tireless beauty: Mediterranean gardens aren’t loud, bold, or particularly striking or stunning. Due to their quiet charm, you won’t tire of looking at them every day, and they won’t go out of style. Survivability in various climates : Given that these plants are tough enough to survive the harsh Mediterranean climate, this means that even if your area has a less hospitable environment, you’ll likely still be able to successfully have a thriving Mediterranean garden.  Cons Now for the cons, there aren’t any real dealbreakers, but there are some things that you need to know before you go ahead with a Mediterranean garden. Cost: Mediterranean gardens will usually have fewer plants and more hardscapes. Since hardscapes can be a fair bit more pricey, you will have to be prepared to spend more upfront on your Mediterranean landscape. Not as impressive as other landscapes: While Mediterranean gardens have a timeless beauty that never gets old, they’re definitely not something that guests will be wowed by. They’re more of a style that guests appreciate for their simplicity and subtle charm. 2. Choosing The Right Plants
Cottage garden created by Boise Landscaping Company
December 29, 2024
If you’ve ever watched The Hobbit, cottage gardens are exactly like that. With an abundance of bright, lively colors, cottage gardens make you feel like you’re living in the countryside, perhaps in a cottage. Cottage gardens bring a countryside vintage feel to your home and have a merry, simple charm to them. So if you want to transport your guests (and yourself) from the city to the peaceful, rural backcountry when they walk into your garden, keep reading to find out how! 1. Choosing The Colors While you’re going to have a wide variety of colors, that still doesn’t mean you can just throw in random colors and hope they go well together. For most cottage gardens, you’re going to be going with the bright shades of white, yellow, red, blue, purple, and pink. The more colors you have, the more lively and abundant your garden will look. But note that you don’t have to use all of them. Even using just a few is enough to get you the look you want, as long as the colors are bright and vibrant. 2. Choosing The Plants
Landscape with two different types of vertical gardens
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Balcony garden with climbing plants and pots on stands attached to the railings
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Modern landscape with a porch, lawn, and trees for privacy screens
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Over the years, with everything looking more sleek and modern, from buildings to cars, landscapes are no exception. Modern-day people have different preferences and needs from people in the past, and building styles are changing too, which means landscapes need to change along with them. Here are four modern landscaping styles to keep your home looking modern and trendy. 1. Minimalist
A homeowner's garden with colorful flowers landscaped by Boise Landscaping Company
June 5, 2024
When there's landscaping work to be done, if you're hiring a landscaper , make sure you get one of the best landscapers Boise has to offer (ahem ahem, us). But when you’re looking to do landscaping on a budget, there are actually many ways to keep costs down. From DIYing where you can to recycling materials, here are all the ways you can spare your wallet when giving your outdoor space a makeover. 1. Planning and Design Starting without a plan can result in many additional costs, from buying too much of a material (or buying too little and having to buy more which would cost more than if you had bought a larger quantity in the first place), to having to redo certain installations. Start by getting an idea of what your space can accommodate: Measure your yard’s dimensions Observe and note down sunlight patterns and intensity, including which areas are in the shade Find out what your soil type is by collecting some samples and sending them to be tested for their pH level as well as what type of soil it actually is. Observe the water drainage. Waterlogging can be a serious issue, so make sure that your soil drains well, and if not, you’ll need to consider solutions like raised beds. Then, use free online tools or apps like SketchUp or My Garden from Gardena to create the design. 2. Budgeting Tips The next step is to decide how much you want to spend and where to allocate it to. It’s not as simple as being frugal and only spending where necessary or buying subpar materials to save money. It’s about prioritizing your needs and wants and ensuring your money is spent well and wisely. Setting your budget: Take stock of your finances and consider how much you can realistically spend without stressing your finances too much. Get multiple quotes from different landscaping companies. Of course, you will be trying to DIY where you can. But for installations or tasks you can’t perform, make sure to check out different companies and get multiple quotes to ensure you’re getting the best deal. Have some buffer. Never budget just right. Always ensure you set aside 10-20% more money than you estimate you’ll need and be prepared to spend it in case of unexpected costs like soil amendments and drainage issues. If you still find that you don’t have enough to complete the entire project, here are some ways to get around it: Prioritize the needs. Look through the various installations and see which ones are needs and which ones are wants. Needs are going to be things like walkways and essential plants, while wants are going to be things like decorative statues or water features. Consider which features will be most impactful. Certain installations and features are bound to have more of an impact. For example, mulching has significant health benefits for your plants and enhances the aesthetics of your garden. Split your project into phases. If you don’t have the funds to complete all the installations needed, simply work out your budget for the next few months and split the project up accordingly. 3. Cost-Effective Plants When selecting the plants to use, we strongly encourage that you go with native plants, because they require the least watering, fertilizing, and pest control, all of which mean reduced maintenance costs (and less effort too). Regardless of which plants you eventually decide on, it’s always cheaper to start from seeds than to have grown ones installed. You will also want to collect the seeds from existing plants at the end of each season for future use. Growing from cuttings is also another cost-effective alternative. Alternatively, you can also grow plants for cuttings, which are faster and still very cost-effective. You don’t always have to spend money to get the plants you want either. Plant swaps are a great way to obtain new plants by offering the plants you already have in exchange. You can do this through your friends, neighbors, local gardening clubs, and online communities like forums and social media groups that are specifically created for the purpose of plant swaps. 4. DIY Where Possible When you hire a professional, you’re paying for the manpower and labor costs, and even some markup on the materials. As such, DIYing will always be cheaper, which is why it makes sense to DIY where you can. Most installations can actually be done on your own, from paths and walkways to raised garden beds. Here’s our complete guide to DIY landscaping . 5. Recycled and Repurposed Materials Recycled and repurposed materials can also be used for certain installations and features to cut down on material costs. Here are some examples. Garden beds: Unused wood pallets, discarded bricks, and surplus concrete blocks can all be used to make solid raised garden beds. Planters: Old tires can be used as planters. Borders: Leftovers bricks, stones, and tiles can all be used to make nice garden borders. Once again, even if you don’t have these materials yourself, groups and forums like Freecycle and Nextdoor often have people giving away these items for free. You can also find these items for free or at a very low price on marketplaces like Craigslist or eBay and even Facebook Marketplace. Another place you can try is local construction companies. These companies often have surplus materials from their projects that you can get for free for at nominal cost. 6. Low-Cost Lighting When choosing the lighting to use, make sure they are energy-efficient, so LED lights are a great option. While in the short run they may cost more, they will save you money on utility bills in the long run. You can also opt for solar lights that will save you even more on the utility bills in the long run. 7. Water-Saving Strategies Native plants aren’t the only way to use less water. From irrigation systems to rainwater harvesting, there are plenty more ways to cut down on the water bills. Drip irrigation systems do cost a fair amount in the beginning, but their water efficiency will save you more money on the water bills in the long run. And the best part is that they can be installed on your own with kits from DIY stores. Using rainwater for watering your plants is another great way to immediately cut down on water use. It’s as simple as putting a bucket out to collect rainwater, or you can use rain barrels to collect more water and greater convenience.
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