Water Features Landscaping

Simple stone waterfall in garden built by Boise Landscaping Company

Imagine after a long day at work, you retreat to your backyard to unwind and relax, reading a book with the calm, quiet, soothing sound of flowing water from your water feature.

But wait, you don’t have a water feature do you? That’s why you’re here.

Water features invite a very special sense of calm and tranquility. Some clients like a quiet stream while others like a more audible waterfall.

Here at
Boise Landscaping Company, with decades of experience landscaping Boise homes, we’ve got the expertise and resources to bring any water feature to life.

We know which water features look great in which landscapes, and we know exactly how to include them in your
landscape design, as well as build and install them so that they complement other features like your outdoor lighting. We employ only the best and most durable materials, and we practise environmental-friendliness. Our water pumps are energy-efficient, and we utilize environmentally safe materials.

We also provide regular maintenance and support after the installation to keep your water feature looking great and running smoothly.

Here are some of the water features that we’ve built for other clients.

When you hear “waterfall”, you probably think of this grand, towering wall of water that crashes down into a calm pond. It’s possible to have Niagara Falls right in your backyard, just a miniature one.

But you don’t need to have Niagara Falls if you don’t want to. Waterfalls can be made to look very modern, and can even not have the pond at the bottom if you prefer.

Whatever the case, waterfalls are a cool addition to any outdoor space, and add a sort of grandeur that your visitors will certainly be impressed by.

Waterfalls also tend to be very calming, as their loud flow drowns out background noise. I’ve often found myself dozing off beside my waterfall. Plus, the continuous movement of water releases lots of moisture into the surroundings, helping to both cool and clean the air.

Fountains: Next to waterfalls, fountains are the most impressive water feature one can have.

Needless to say, fountains can look as simple and plain or grand and complex as you’d like. But often, even the simplest fountains look stunning.

Fountains are very versatile and can take on many shapes. You’ve got tiered fountains, jet fountains, cascading fountains, reflecting fountains, and even wall fountains.

Just like waterfalls, fountains help cool and clean the air, though to a smaller extent. They also cover up unwanted noises, but also to a smaller extent.

Some homeowners prefer fountains as they’re quieter. You’ll be hearing light splashes of water rather than the huge rush of water from waterfalls, which some people may find too noisy. However, others prefer the louder waterfalls, which cover more unwanted noise. It all comes down to personal preference.

As compared to the previous two water features which can be made to look more modern or traditional, there are no such notions with streams, as the goal is always to create a natural stream or a stream that looks like a natural stream.

The gentle flow of water in streams adds a very soft layer of tranquility to your outdoor area. And since streams are a snake of water, you can add outdoor lighting throughout the entire length of the stream, which as you can imagine, is beautiful, and almost surreal. If done correctly, the stream will reflect the lights, so that it looks almost like a stream of light.

Ponds are the most simple water feature thus far, but simplicity has its own beauty.

As ponds by themselves are just bodies of water, additional elements such as aquatic plants and Koi fish are usually added so that pond isn’t too plain.

Obviously, ponds don’t produce much noise, so they’re great for those wanting the serenity of a water feature, but without the noise of other water features. It’s important to note though, that ponds require a good deal more maintenance.

English Fountain Installed By Boise Landscaping Company In A Private Garden In Boise
A birdbath at the end of the path in a garden

Reflecting pools: Reflecting pools are a less often seen water feature. Their surfaces are still and clear, and like mirrors, they reflect whatever light they catch, so the surroundings and the sky can all be seen in the water.

The point of reflecting pools is to create a space for quiet contemplation or to add a touch of elegance. As such, they are usually placed either near the entrance to the outdoor area or in more private areas of the backyard meant for personal use.

To keep the water clear though, takes lots of maintenance, and the time and monetary costs can be quite significant, especially considering the precise engineering needed to keep the water at that level of clarity.

For birdlovers, birdbaths are a must-have for attracting birds to your garden. You can also pair the birdbath with a feeder to attract even more birds.

There are various kinds of birdbaths for different looks. Besides the widely-known pedestal type, there’s also ground birdbaths, fountain birdbaths, and hanging ones.

Birdbaths are also useful for pest control, since birds will feed on pests like mosquitoes and other garden pests.

Some birdbaths attract lots of birds while others can go days without a single bird coming. The key is to place the birdbath in an area where the birds will feel safe coming to. This means near trees or shrubs, but not too near. Since predators like cats can hide in shrubs, birds don’t like to get too close, especially when drinking when they’re in a vulnerable state. However, trees and shrubs are also a source of cover for birds, so they’ll feel safe knowing they can escape quickly to cover there. A good distance is 10-15 ft away.

You may also want to put the birdbath somewhere you can view it from indoors.

And that’s it! As you can see, whatever water feature you’re looking for, we can bring it to life. If you’ve got a water feature in mind that isn’t listed above, don’t hesitate to contact us. We promise we’ll do our best to make it work.

Call us today at 208-584-5202 for a free no-obligation quote.

Or if you prefer, you can drop us a message through our contact form or email us at info@boiselandscapingcompany.com for any inquiries!

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